July Fri, 1998
The Decline of Representative Democracy: Process, Participation, and Power in State Legislatures
“Based on a leading scholar's firsthand observations of legislatures as well as extensive interviews with legislators, legislative staff, and lobbyists, this important work describes and analyzes the contemporary state of legislatures and the legislative process in the fifty states. ” Written by former Eagleton director Alan Rosenthal.
July Wed, 1996
Drawing the Line
“The objective of Drawing the Line is to apply ethical principles, reasoning, and judgment to the problems that are encountered by legislators in the fifty states. Legislative bodies have rarely been held in as low esteem as they are today, in part because the integrity of members and of the process is under severe challenge. ” Written by former Eagleton director Alan Rosenthal.
July Sun, 1994
Women as Candidates in American Politics, Second Edition
“In this second edition, Susan Carroll updates her pioneering study of women candidates and their campaigns in the aftermath of the "Year of the Woman." Although in many regards the political climate has become vastly more favorable for female candidates, opportunities are still limited by the political structure.” Written by the Center for American Women and Politics’ senior scholar Susan J. Carroll.
July Sat, 1993
Passions and Interests: Political Party Concepts of American Democracy
“Bridging analysis of political parties and political philosophy, Passions and Interests presents eight conceptual models of political parties with particular relevance to American democracy. Gerald Pomper, an internationally recognized scholar, asks three questions: What meanings are attributed to parties?” Written by Gerald Pomper, Board of Governors Professor of Political Science (Emeritus).