March Wed, 2004
Making Democracy Work
Issues in Voter Participation: Do We Know What They Are? If We Know, What Can We Do About Them?
July Thu, 2003
Women and American Politics: New Questions, New Directions
“This volume brings together leading scholars in the field of women and politics to provide an account of recent developments and the challenges that the future brings for women in American Politics.” Written by the Center for American Women and Politics’ senior scholar Susan J. Carroll.
July Wed, 2002
Republic on Trial: The Case for Representative Democracy
“Despite all the arguing from politicians, special interests, and political parties, Americans basically agree on the most important political issues. If only our legislators would stop fighting over obtuse policy details and really listen to what ordinary Americans want, representatives on Capitol Hill and in the state houses would actually get something done, right? Wrong.” Written by former Eagleton director Alan Rosenthal.
July Tue, 2001
The Third House: Lobbyists and Lobbying in the States
“The book, which has drawn praise for its inviting and accessible style, thoroughly examines the lobbying scene: the settings in which lobbying takes place, the types and styles of lobbyists, the broad range of approaches and techniques used by lobbyists, and the role and influence of lobbying in our system of representative democracy.” Written by former Eagleton director Alan Rosenthal.