July Thu, 2008
Voter Registration Information on NJ State and County Websites: Easier to Find than in 2006 But Still A Challenge
A report from the New Jersey Project, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University, summarizes the experience of looking on the State's web site and on the 21 county web sites for voter registration information.
July Thu, 2008
Clean Elections: Public Financing in Six States
When the New Jersey Legislature proposed a Clean Elections program in 2004 as part of its ethics agenda, many questions were left unanswered. What are Clean Elections? Do other states have similar programs? What can we learn from them?
July Tue, 2007
Waste Is A Terrible Thing To Mind: Risk, Radiation and Distrust of Government
“This book is the story of how one agency, instead of imposing a top-down solution, tried to design an approach that would confront public fears by seeking a community that would volunteer to host the needed disposal facility.” Written by Eagleton associate director John Weingart.
July Mon, 2006
A New Engagement: Political Participation, Civic Life, and the Changing American Citizen
“This book challenges the conventional wisdom that today's youth is plagued by a severe case of political apathy. It discusses the changing nature of citizen engagement in American society.” Written by the Eagleton former faculty member and Center for Public Interest Polling senior advisor Cliff Zukin.