July Fri, 2009
The New York Times on Critical Elections
“Elections scholar Gerald Pomper has carefully chosen a variety of news articles, editorials, and data from The Times for which he has written context-providing narrative that discusses the key issues, historical impact, and turning points in these important presidential and congressional elections.” Written by Gerald Pomper, Board of Governors Professor of Political Science (Emeritus).
July Fri, 2009
Fundamentals of Democracy: Lesson Plans for High School Civics, Government and U.S. History Classes
“These lessons about the fundamentals of representative democracy are designed mainly for civics and American government courses taught at the high-school level…” Written by former Eagleton director Alan Rosenthal.
June Wed, 2009
N. J. Local Government Ethics Law and an Assessment of Its Effectiveness: Focus on the Financial Disclosure Requirement
The administration of New Jersey ethics codes varies by level of government. In the executive and legislative branches, the codes and their administration have recently been reformed.
July Thu, 2008
Destination, New Jersey: How Immigrants Benefit the State Economy
New Jersey’s immigrants are so essential to its economy that if you did the thought experiment of subtracting their work, you’d find that New Jersey itself would grind to a halt.