July Sun, 2016
Taking Chances: The Coast after Hurricane Sandy
“Taking Chances offers a wide-ranging exploration of the diverse challenges of Sandy and asks if this massive event will really change how coastal living and development is managed. .” Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling director Ashley Koning co-authored the fourth chapter in the book, titled, “Polling Post-Hurricane Sandy: The Transformative Personal and Political Impact of the Hurricane in New Jersey”
July Sun, 2016
Officeholding in the Fifty States: The Pathways Women of Color Take to Statewide Elective Executive Office
Center for American Women and Politics scholar Kira Sanbonmatsu wrote a chapter in Distinct Identities: Minority Women in U.S. Politics, which investigates the pathways that women of color have taken to statewide elective executive office.
July Sun, 2016
Women’s Decisions to Run for Office: A Relationally Embedded Model
Center for American Women and Politics scholar Kira Sanbonmatsu and Susan J. Carroll wrote a chapter in The Political Psychology of Women in U.S. Politics. This chapter “presents an alternative approach to the standard ambition model of candidacy. The authors analyze state legislators’ decisions to seek elective office using the 2008 and 1981 CAWP Recruitment Studies.”
July Sun, 2016
National Survey of Local Election Officials’ Experiences with Provisional Voting
Appendix A to Best Practices to Improve Provisional Voting