July Mon, 2019
Du Bois and James at Harvard: The Challenges of Fraternal Pairings and Racial Theory
Professor Saladin Ambar's latest research article "seeks to illuminate the relationship between two of the most important figures in American political thought: the pragmatist philosopher William James, and the pioneering civil rights leader and intellectual, W.E.B. Du Bois."
June Fri, 2019
Center for American Women and Politics Research Archive
Complete archive of CAWP research and research by CAWP scholars that addresses emerging questions about American women's political participation.
June Mon, 2019
CAWP Facts on Women Officeholders and Candidates
The Center for American Women and Politics provides current facts and historical data on women officeholders and candidates in the U.S. The Facts section includes current numbers, state by state information, and data by levels of office.
June Mon, 2019
Young Elected Leaders Project: American Governors 2019
According to the numbers of the United States Census Bureau from 2010, the largest generation in the U.S. is the Boomer Generation (25%).1,2 With 22.2%, the second largest generation is the Millennial Generation. About 21% of the U.S. population belong to Generation X. The smallest generation is the Silent Generation with 11.3%.