| June Wed, 2017
Health Matters Poll Series: New Jersey Voters Support Insurance Coverage For Women’s Reproductive Health Services, Federal and State Funding for Low-income Women’s Health
As officials consider changes to Medicaid funding at the state and federal levels, and as Congress weighs health insurance reform, large majorities of New Jersey registered voters want to maintain federal and state funding for women’s reproductive health services for lower-income women, as well as current health insurance requirements related to such services.
| May Tue, 2017
Governors and State Audits
Gubernatorial campaigns often feature promises to improve government efficiency and reduce waste. The 2017 New Jersey race is no exception.
| March Fri, 2017
Serving their States, Building Potential for the Future: Women of Color in State Legislatures
When the story of women in 2016 congressional elections was written, the overall number of women serving in Congress remained the same, but the number of women of color grew significantly. Of the 14 new women elected to Congress, nine were women of color.
| February Wed, 2017
Health Matters Poll Series: Choices in Medical Care and Comfort with Emerging Care Options
The New Jersey Health Care Quality Institute (NJHCQI), in partnership with the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling (ECPIP)... released a poll exploring where most New Jerseyans receive their health care...