| December Tue, 2017
New Jersey Greets Governor-elect Murphy With Cautious Optimism; Positivity About State’s Future Growth
New Jerseyans see a glimmer of hope for the Garden State following Phil Murphy’s gubernatorial victory in November, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll.
| December Tue, 2017
Women on Governor-elect Murphy’s Transition Team: A Mixed Review
Governor-elect Phil Murphy’s transition team is now largely in place, and the picture for women is decidedly mixed, according to CAWP.
| December Mon, 2017
AARP Study: New Jerseyans Unwilling To Pay Subsidies For Pseg Nuclear Plants
New Jerseyans are not too keen on paying an additional fee proposed by PSEG to keep its two nuclear power plants in Salem and Hope Creek operational. Fifty-one percent say they are not willing at all and another 24 percent say they are not too willing to pay such a fee; 16 percent say they are somewhat willing, and just 3 percent say very willing.
| November Wed, 2017
Big Gains for Virginia Democratic Women; New Jersey Elects Nation’s First Black Democratic Woman Lieutenant Governor
Election results tracked by the Center for American Women and Politics, a unit of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, show a number of landmarks for women. New Jersey will have a new woman lieutenant governor.