| February Thu, 2018
The 2018 State of the Garden State Series
As a new administration takes shape in Trenton, where does the Garden State stand on some of the most important policy issues and areas in New Jersey? The 2018 State of the Garden State Series aims to find out. Click on a title below to read each report.
| January Fri, 2018
Governor Murphy’s Inaugural Address
On January 16, 2018, Phil Murphy became the eighth New Jerseyan since 1974 to be elected governor and deliver a first inaugural address after being sworn in.
| January Mon, 2018
Health Matters Poll Series: Majority of New Jerseyans Satisfied With Their current Healthcare Coverage Overall, But One-Third ‘Somewhat’ or ‘Very’ Dissatisfied With Monthly Premium Costs
Despite a shortened Marketplace enrollment period and general concerns surrounding today’s healthcare system, the majority of insured New Jerseyans are positive about their healthcare coverage experience, feeling content with the information they have received to choose a plan and with the major features within the current plan that they chose.
| January Tue, 2018
Final Grades: Chris Christie Exits As Most Unpopular NJ Governor On Record
It’s hard to imagine exactly who New Jersey’s pugnacious governor thinks is going to miss him when he leaves office next week, but it surely won’t be the residents of the Garden State, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll.