| April Mon, 2019
2020 could disrupt New Mexico’s all-male Senate lineage
"Kelly Dittmar, a Rutgers professor and scholar at the Center for American Woman and Politics, said male candidates for the House and Senate still outnumbered females more than 3-1 in 2018 — a major factor in the persistent gender gap among those elected."
| April Sat, 2019
Do New Jerseyans even want legal recreational pot? Pollsters say, absolutely.
ECPIP director Ashley Koning wrote an op-ed for NJ.com about public opinion on marijuana legalization in New Jersey.
| April Thu, 2019
Vote for 1 man, 1 woman. This rule still applies in N.J. party elections, but not this county.
CAWP director Debbie Walsh spoke to NJ.com about the vote for 1 man, 1 woman New Jersey party election rule.
| April Tue, 2019
Health Matters Poll Series: Most New Jerseyans Have Considered But Not Planned for End-of-Life Wishes
In advance of National Health Care Decisions Day on April 16, a new poll shows that six in 10 New Jerseyans (61 percent) have given a great deal or at least some thought to their wishes for medical care towards the end of their life.