| July Thu, 2020
Rutgers’ Eagleton Institute of Politics Announces 2020-2021 Science and Politics Fellows
Rutgers’ Eagleton Institute of Politics announced that seven scientists have been selected for the 2020-2021 cohort of Eagleton Science and Politics Fellows.
| January Tue, 2020
Eagleton Science and Politics Fellowship Receives Grant
Eagleton is pleased to announce that the Eagleton Science and Politics Fellowship program was selected for a Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation grant, which will provide funding for two additional Science Fellows for the class of 2021.
| August Tue, 2019
Rutgers’ Eagleton Institute of Politics Announces First Class of Science and Politics Fellows, Including One From Metuchen
“Liana Vaccari, from Metuchen, is one of four Rutgers University Eagleton Science Fellows who will assist the State of New Jersey with issues ranging from maternal health outcomes to climate change resiliency.”
| August Tue, 2019
Princeton Alumni Weekly
Molecular biology graduate alum Shin-Yi Lin *11 was selected as one of four members in the first class of science and politics fellows at Rutgers University’s Eagleton Institute of Politics.