| December Thu, 2017
DATA POINT: All-Women Senate Delegations
If, as expected, Minnesota’s Governor Mark Dayton names a woman to fill the U.S. Senate seat vacated by Senator Al Franken, Minnesota will become the fourth state currently and the sixth state ever to have an all-female Senate delegation...
| December Tue, 2017
Women on Governor-elect Murphy’s Transition Team: A Mixed Review
Governor-elect Phil Murphy’s transition team is now largely in place, and the picture for women is decidedly mixed, according to CAWP.
| November Fri, 2017
Record Number of Women Freeholders Will Serve in 2018
When New Jersey counties swear in their boards of freeholders in January, a record 41 women will be included. CAWP counts a total of 15 winners of 2017 elections who will join 26 holdovers. Women will be 30 percent of all freeholders serving in 2018
| November Wed, 2017
Big Gains for Virginia Democratic Women; New Jersey Elects Nation’s First Black Democratic Woman Lieutenant Governor
Election results tracked by the Center for American Women and Politics, a unit of the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers University-New Brunswick, show a number of landmarks for women. New Jersey will have a new woman lieutenant governor.