| February Tue, 2019
Why Democrats tapped rising star Stacey Abrams for their State of the Union response
“‘Having a new generation of leadership (with) racial and gender diversity is important in the image that they put out there,’ said Kelly Dittmar, a scholar at Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University. ‘(But) I don’t think that this is all symbolic — I think that they actually do believe that these voices are important in the party, and so they want to demonstrate that.’”
| February Mon, 2019
A First: Women Take The Majority In Nevada Legislature And Colorado House
"’Women hold fewer than 30 percent of state legislative seats across the country, fewer than 25 percent of congressional seats, so getting to 50 percent in any one place is something significant,’ says Kelly Dittmar, a scholar at the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University. “
| January Thu, 2019
How Women Out-Trumped Trump
“‘This rhetoric is the kind of thing that has turned off college-educated Republican women who voted for Trump in 2016 but have fallen away,’ Debbie Walsh, the director of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University told The New York Times.”
| January Wed, 2019
Feminist authors offer new framework at Eagleton event
“On Jan. 29, the Eagleton Institute of Politics hosted an event in which Rebecca Traister and Brittney Cooper discussed the political power of women’s anger.”