| May Sat, 2019
How Many Women Running Mates Have There Been? The Number Is Pretty Dismal
A Bustle article cites Eagleton’s Center for American Women and Politics in a recent article about women running for president.
| May Fri, 2019
Nine candidates, no women: Where’s the gender parity in the Montgomery mayor’s race?
Montgomery Advertiser spoke to Eagleton’s Center for American Women and Politics associated director Jean Sinzdak about the fact that no women are running in Montgomery mayor’s race.
| May Fri, 2019
Elizabeth Warren bets big on policy to break through crowded Democratic field
CBS News quotes Kelly Dittmar, scholar at Eagleton’s Center for American Women and Politics in an article about Elizabeth Warren and gender stereotypes.
| May Fri, 2019
New Group Focuses On Mobilizing Women Toward Political Activism
"I think this is indicative of what a lot of the groups and a lot of women around the country are trying to figure out, which is how do we keep the momentum going." - Debbie Walsh talks to NPR.