| September Wed, 2019
Warren’s On The Rise, But Can She Convince Democrats She Can Beat Trump?
"Debbie Walsh, director of the Center for Women and Politics at Rutgers University, said the questions about Warren’s electability are something of a self-fulfilling prophecy."
| September Mon, 2019
Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris are running dual campaigns
"Waging a successful campaign for office is hard enough for any candidate. Imagine waging two at a time. That's what is required of the women running for president, who have to oversee a traditional campaign in addition to a second one to convince skeptics of their 'electability,'" wrote CAWP scholar Kelly Dittmar in a CNN op-ed.
| September Sun, 2019
The Gillibrand Test Case for Women in Politics
“She’s always been politically astute,” said Kelly Dittmar, a Rutgers University professor who studies female candidates. “One of the criticisms that I think is in fact imbued with sexism is that she’s too ambitious and too calculating.”
| August Sat, 2019
Gillibrand commits to raising ‘at least’ $1 million to elect women candidates in 2020
"In 2019, women hold nearly 24 percent of seats in Congress — 25 percent of Senate seats and about 23 percent of House seats, according to Rutgers University's Eagleton Institute of Politics."