| March Fri, 2020
International Women’s Day and the glass ceiling
Senate races: 17 female candidates already have filed and 45 more are likely, for a potential of 62, according to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University. That would surpass the previous record of 53 in 2018.
| February Thu, 2020
4 Takeaways From the Democratic Debate, Gender Edition
| February Wed, 2020
Women predominate among the most disengaged nonvoters
"Kira Sanbonmatsu, a Rutgers University political science professor who works with the Center for American Women and Politics, said women are more reluctant than men to make a decision that they feel is not properly informed."
| September Mon, 2019
CAWP Prepares NJ Women to Run for Office with Public Speaking Workshop
Eagleton's Center for American Women and Politics held its first Ready to Run® campaign training workshop of the academic year last week.