| June Tue, 2021
Will Shifts in Public Opinion Impact the Abortion Debate?
Ms. Magazine published an op-ed written by CAWP Research Associate Claire Gothreau about shifts in public opinion about abortion and the upcoming United States Supreme Court case.
| October Wed, 2020
Can Joe Biden defeat Donald Trump?
“If my students are any indication, they’re just not on board with Biden. A lot of them were Bernie Sanders supporters,” Susan Carroll, senior scholar at the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University, said, adding that they are “truly appalled by the touching, handsy history of being overly affectionate with people."
| October Wed, 2020
Why Republican women face a bleaker picture in the battle for representation in Congress
Kelly Dittmar, director of research at CAWP, said that as the Republican Party faces a representation problem in Congress, the GOP is also dealing with a "gender gap in partisanship" and a "lack of racial and ethnic diversity" in party membership, which "certainly translates into candidacy."
| September Fri, 2020
Today’s Republican Women Are Running Hard to the Right
This year’s female candidates are more likely than before to describe themselves as “fighters” and use gun imagery in their campaign materials, while also making it clear that they are pro-life, pro-religion, and pro-Trump, according to an analysis by Kelly Dittmar, a political scientist at Rutgers University at Camden and research director of Rutgers’s Center for American Women and Politics.