Special Programs

Albert W. Lewitt Endowed Lecture

This annual lecture is delivered by a current or former Member of Congress, a congressional staffer, or an expert on Congress. The series was established in memory of Albert W. Lewitt who worked on Capitol Hill in the 1940s.

About the Lewitt Lecture:

The Albert W. Lewitt Endowed Lecture was established by Mrs. Benjamin Leon in memory of her brother, who worked on Capitol Hill in the 1940s, first on the staff of Senator W. Warren Barbour and later for Senator Albert W. Hawkes. The annual program is presented by a current or former Member of Congress, congressional staffer, or an expert on Congress.

Speakers to date have included:

  • John Raidt, Congressional Staff Director for Senator McCain – watch on YouTube (2023)
  • Veronica Duron, Chief of Staff to U.S. Senator Cory Booker – watch on YouTube (2021)
  • Congressman Darren Soto – watch on YouTube (2021)
  • Kimberly Peeler-Allen, Visiting Practitioner, Center for American Women and Politics;
    Co-Founder, Higher Heights (2019) – watch on YouTube
  • Steve Kornacki, NBC & MSNBC National Political Correspondent (2019) – watch on YouTube
  • John A. Lawrence, former Chief of Staff to U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (2018) – watch on YouTube
  • Katie Beirne Fallon, former Director of Legislative Affairs, President Obama (2016) 
  • Francine Newsome Pfeiffer, VP for Federal Affairs, Rutgers University (2016) – watch on YouTube
  • Brian Lamb, C-SPAN Founder and Former CEO (2015) – watch on YouTube
  • Mike Emanuel, Chief Congressional Correspondent, Fox News (2014) – watch on YouTube
  • John A. Lawrence, former Chief of Staff to U.S. Representative Nancy Pelosi (2013) – watch on YouTube
  • Former Congressman Patrick Kennedy (2012) – watch on YouTube
  • Congressmen Rush Holt and Leonard Lance (2011)
  • Lona Valmoro, Special Assistant to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton (2010)
  • John A. Lawrence, Chief of Staff to Speaker Nancy Pelosi (2008)
  • Congressional Scholars Thomas E. Mann, Brookings Institution and Norman J. Ornstein, American Enterprise Institute (2007)
  • Ann Lewis, National Democratic Party Leader and Strategist (2006)
  • Marie Cocco, Newsday Washington Correspondent and Syndicated Columnist (2005)
  • Senator Jon Corzine (2002)
  • Adam Clymer, The New York Times Washington Correspondent (2000)
  • Congressman John Lewis (1999)
  • Former Congresswoman Patricia Schroeder (1997)
  • Congresswoman Marge Roukema (1995)
  • Congressman Robert Menendez (1994)
  • Congressman Robert Franks (1993)
  • Congressman Robert Torricelli (1992)
  • Congressional Staffers and Eagleton Institute Alumni Lyle Dennis, David Evans, Walt Sanders and Laurie Carroll (1991)
  • Senator Frank Lautenberg (1989)
  • Congressman Jim Courter (1988)
  • Senator Bill Bradley (1987)