October Wed, 2012
Methodological Lessons Learned from Conducting Civic Education Research in High Schools
With the growing size of the “Millennial Generation” and its potential impact on American democracy, the civic education of this cohort deserves study.
July Mon, 2006
A New Engagement: Political Participation, Civic Life, and the Changing American Citizen
“This book challenges the conventional wisdom that today's youth is plagued by a severe case of political apathy. It discusses the changing nature of citizen engagement in American society.” Written by the Eagleton former faculty member and Center for Public Interest Polling senior advisor Cliff Zukin.
July Sat, 2004
Political Generation Next: America’s Young Elected Leaders
The findings in this report, published in Spring, 2004, are drawn from research about young elected officials conducted in 2002 by the Eagleton Institute of Politics as part of the Young Elected Leaders Project (YELP).
July Sat, 2004
News for a New Generation Report 1: Content Analysis, Interviews, and Focus Groups
The report includes initial findings from a study which focuses on what kinds of news are available for young people, why producers create youth-oriented news the way they do, and what young people say they really want in news.