January Tue, 2020
Women’s Underrepresentation in the U.S. Congress
This piece summarizes the current status of women's representation at the national level, while providing historical and structural context, as well as intersectional analysis, regarding political parity in the United States.
October Thu, 2019
Unfinished Business: Women Running in 2018 and Beyond
CAWP's report exists primarily as a navigable microsite with scores of data visualizations, engaging media, as well as a scholarly analysis, and contains four sections, each of which draws upon new and relevant research to explain gender and intersectional dynamics in both election 2018 and 2020.
June Fri, 2019
Center for American Women and Politics Research Archive
Complete archive of CAWP research and research by CAWP scholars that addresses emerging questions about American women's political participation.
June Mon, 2019
CAWP Facts on Women Officeholders and Candidates
The Center for American Women and Politics provides current facts and historical data on women officeholders and candidates in the U.S. The Facts section includes current numbers, state by state information, and data by levels of office.