March Mon, 2021
Invisible Forces: Gender, Race, and Congressional Staff
Politics, Groups, and Identities published a new article about the intersectional identities of congressional staffers, written by Dr. Kelly Dittmar, the director of research for CAWP. "This project adopts theories of gendered and racialized professionalism to make visible and evaluate gender, race, and congressional staff as key and intersecting forces in the function and outcomes of legislative institutions."
January Wed, 2021
Women Appointed To Presidential Cabinets
Eleven women have been confirmed to serve in cabinet (6) and cabinet level (5) positions in the Biden administration. 1 A total of 64 women have held a total of 72 such positions in presidential administrations, with eight women serving in two different posts.
December Wed, 2020
By the Numbers: Black Women in the 117th Congress
The Center for American Women and Politics and its partners at Higher Heights released a report: By the Numbers: Black Women in the 117th congress, with data on Black women's current representation in Congress following the 2020 election.
December Thu, 2020
The Money Hurdle in the Race for Governor
This report is the first in a new CAWP series of reports on the role of money in politics. Analyzing 2000-2018 data from the National Institute on Money in Politics (NIMP), it examines primary and general election receipts and giving patterns by donor gender, identifying opportunities and challenges for women candidates and women donors. Its focus on gender and giving to gubernatorial candidates is unique.