June Fri, 2010
Life’s A Party: Do Political Parties Help or Hinder Women?
CAWP scholar Kira Sanbonmatsu evaluates the role of political parties in electing women to office. She argues that the history of U.S. parties indicates that women’s organizations and movements, women leaders, and women voters are the keys to making political parties a help rather than a hindrance to women’s representation.
July Mon, 2006
Where Women Run: Gender and Party in the American States
“Why are certain states more likely to have female candidates and legislators? Would strengthening political parties alter the situation? These questions are considered in Where Women Run.” Written by Kira Sanbonmatsu, senior scholar at the Center for American Women and Politics.
July Sat, 2004
Democrats, Republicans, and the Politics of Women’s Place
“Kira Sanbonmatsu's study contributes to our knowledge of the complexity of the response of the Democratic and Republican parties to the gender issues that emerged on the political scene as a result of the women's movement.” Written by the Center for American Women and Politics senior scholar Kira Sanbonmatsu.
July Thu, 2003
Women and American Politics: New Questions, New Directions
“This volume brings together leading scholars in the field of women and politics to provide an account of recent developments and the challenges that the future brings for women in American Politics.” Written by the Center for American Women and Politics’ senior scholar Susan J. Carroll.