July Thu, 2008
Voter Registration Information on NJ State and County Websites: Easier to Find than in 2006 But Still A Challenge
A report from the New Jersey Project, Eagleton Institute of Politics, Rutgers University, summarizes the experience of looking on the State's web site and on the 21 county web sites for voter registration information.
July Thu, 2008
Clean Elections: Public Financing in Six States
When the New Jersey Legislature proposed a Clean Elections program in 2004 as part of its ethics agenda, many questions were left unanswered. What are Clean Elections? Do other states have similar programs? What can we learn from them?
July Mon, 2006
Television Coverage of the 2005 New Jersey Election: An Analysis of the Nightly News Programs on Local New Jersey, New York and Philadelphia Stations
June 2006 report analyzing the highest-rated nightly news programs beginning 30 days before the election in 2005. With funding from the Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation, the project worked with the University of Wisconsin News Lab in analyzing the data.
July Sat, 2004
Another Government Success Story: Citizen Volunteers on New Jersey State Boards and Commissions
Imagine a process that would reconnect citizens with government by enabling perhaps 5000 New Jersey residents to regularly contribute their expertise to help set the government’s policies and procedures.