June Mon, 2019
Young Elected Leaders Project: American Governors 2019
According to the numbers of the United States Census Bureau from 2010, the largest generation in the U.S. is the Boomer Generation (25%).1,2 With 22.2%, the second largest generation is the Millennial Generation. About 21% of the U.S. population belong to Generation X. The smallest generation is the Silent Generation with 11.3%.
July Tue, 2018
American Cicero: Mario Cuomo and the Defense of American Liberalism
“Mario Cuomo was the most important Democratic officeholder during the Reagan era. The three-term governor of New York was also a famously eloquent defender of the Democratic Party's progressive legacy even as conservatives gained political power across the nation.” Written by Eagleton faculty and Eagleton Center on the American Governor scholar Saladin Ambar.
July Tue, 2018
Standing on Principle: Lessons Learned in Public Life
This political memoir tells the remarkable story of how Florio, a high school dropout who left to join the Navy as a teenager, went on to become an attorney, a state assemblyman, a congressman, and a governor. This book was published in coordination with the Rutgers University Press.
July Mon, 2017
New Jersey Governors and State Finance
Few issues facing the State of New Jersey are as important—or as challenging—as those concerning its fiscal future. With decisions and, arguably, crises looming in the areas of school funding, tax policy, pension obligations, and budget deficits, the state’s leaders in the coming years will face critical and complex questions.