February Thu, 2022
Fast Facts About America’s Governors
Stay up-to-date on the current governors throughout the country.
February Thu, 2022
Rutgers-Eagleton Poll Data Research Archive
Complete public data archive of the Rutgers-Eagleton Poll. Founded in 1971 at the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling, the statewide telephone survey measures public opinion about politics and policy in New Jersey.
February Thu, 2022
Eagleton Center on the American Governor Research Archive
Complete ECAG research archive exploring the varied roles, powers, and legacies of governors in the United States.
December Tue, 2020
A CAWP Women, Money, and Politics Report: The Money Hurdle in the Race for Governor
This report examines individual contributions to gubernatorial candidates in order to better understand women’s candidacies as well as women’s donation patterns. Most popular attention to gender and political behavior is devoted to the gender gap in voting.