July Sun, 2016
Women’s Decisions to Run for Office: A Relationally Embedded Model
Center for American Women and Politics scholar Kira Sanbonmatsu and Susan J. Carroll wrote a chapter in The Political Psychology of Women in U.S. Politics. This chapter “presents an alternative approach to the standard ambition model of candidacy. The authors analyze state legislators’ decisions to seek elective office using the 2008 and 1981 CAWP Recruitment Studies.”
July Sun, 2016
National Survey of Local Election Officials’ Experiences with Provisional Voting
Appendix A to Best Practices to Improve Provisional Voting
July Sun, 2016
Young Elected Leaders Project: American Governors 2016
YELP research reveals that of the American governors currently serving, ten began their public careers as Young Elected Leaders.
July Sun, 2016
Young Elected Leaders Project: The 115th United States Senate
The Millennial Generation has overtaken the Baby Boom Generation as the largest generation.