July Tue, 2001
New Jersey Voters’ Candidate Information Sources
This survey represents a joint venture of two programs at the Eagleton Institute of Politics – the New Jersey Project and the Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling.
July Sat, 1999
N.J. Congressional Campaigns in 1998: Not Bad but Not Enough
Report by Gerald M. Pomper, Board of Governors Professor of Political Science and Eagleton Institute of Politics faculty member, and Ingrid W. Reed, former New Jersey Project director. The report is featured in the November 1999 issue of the New Jersey Reporter.
July Sat, 1993
Passions and Interests: Political Party Concepts of American Democracy
“Bridging analysis of political parties and political philosophy, Passions and Interests presents eight conceptual models of political parties with particular relevance to American democracy. Gerald Pomper, an internationally recognized scholar, asks three questions: What meanings are attributed to parties?” Written by Gerald Pomper, Board of Governors Professor of Political Science (Emeritus).
July Tue, 1990
Governors and Legislatures: Contending Powers
Written by former Eagleton director Alan Rosenthal.