July Mon, 2006
Provisional Ballot Litigation by Issue
Appendix C to Best Practices to Improve Provisional Voting
July Mon, 2006
Relationship Between Time Allotted to Verify Provisional Ballots and the Level of Ballots That Are Verified
Appendix B to Best Practices to Improve Provisional Voting
July Mon, 2006
Best Practices to Improve Provisional Voting
The Eagleton Institute of Politics, in partnership with the Moritz College of Law at Ohio State University, was awarded a contract by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to provide information on provisional voting and voter identification practices in the 2004 election.
July Mon, 2006
Television Coverage of the 2005 New Jersey Election: An Analysis of the Nightly News Programs on Local New Jersey, New York and Philadelphia Stations
June 2006 report analyzing the highest-rated nightly news programs beginning 30 days before the election in 2005. With funding from the Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation, the project worked with the University of Wisconsin News Lab in analyzing the data.