Welcome Back! Eagleton Kicks-Off New Academic Year
September 10, 2019 — Eagleton’s new director, Professor John J. Farmer, Jr., welcomed the incoming class of Graduate Fellows as well as the returning senior class of Undergraduate Associates and the Institute’s distinguished Visiting Associates.
Farmer addressed the students assembled for the Institute’s annual Opening Program. “I don’t really understand what’s happened to politics throughout my life. It’s hard to figure out how we got here, but if there is any place to figure it out, it’s here,” said Farmer. “In a small way, we can change the nature of dialogue in this country and I hope at the end of your program in May, you leave Eagleton with heightened idealism.”
Many Eagleton Undergraduate Associates came back to campus with new perspectives and skill sets after spending the summer completing internships in government, politics, or policy. During this fall semester, Eagleton Associates take an “Internship Seminar” course which gives students the opportunity to reflect on their internships and connect the study of politics with its day-to-day practice. The Class of 2020 Undergraduate Associates are starting their second semester of the three-semester, interdisciplinary certificate program which includes representatives from Rutgers—Newark, Camden, and New Brunswick campus locations. This year’s group is the 46th cohort to come through the distinguished program. Eagleton is now accepting applications from current Rutgers juniors for the 2021 class of Eagleton Undergraduate Associates.
“Being an undergraduate associate has opened doors to a network of driven students and accomplished professionals, which is an invaluable experience for a college senior. I am looking forward to seeing how the rest of my cohort and I progress moving forward,” said Jessica Graham, an Eagleton Undergraduate Associate and Rutgers—New Brunswick senior studying political science, economics, critical intelligence studies, and sports management. Graham was also one of the recipients of the 2019 Rutgers-Eagleton Washington Internship Award.
This year’s Eagleton Graduate Fellows are just beginning their journey at the Institute. The Eagleton Fellowship Program in Politics and Government selects graduate students from all three Rutgers campus locations and a variety of programs, this year representing: law, social work, public policy, landscape architecture, city and regional planning, history, sociology, business, public administration, criminal justice and women’s and gender studies. During the fall, Fellows complete one of two specially designed Eagleton courses focusing on “Legislative Policymaking” and “Perspectives on American Politics.” These courses are designed to prepare students for their fellowship placements in government during the spring semester. The Class of 2020 is the 63rd cohort in the program.
Colin Sheehan, an Eagleton Fellow and 3L at Rutgers Law School—Camden said, “Being an Eagleton Fellow — exploring the political process, power, and issues facing our state and nation with brilliant faculty and fellows — is one of the most exciting parts of my graduate school experience.”
Eagleton’s Visiting Associates also had the opportunity to meet Eagleton students at the Opening Program. Visiting Associates are experienced practioners in politics, government and public service who share their perspectives and expertise with Eagleton students during guest class lectures and other programming throughout the year.
The Eagleton Institute of Politics helps students explore state and national politics through research, education, and public service, linking the study of politics with its day-to-day practice. Learn more.