September Mon, 2019
Kimberly Peeler-Allen
Kimberly Peeler-Allen has been working at the intersection of race, gender and politics for almost 20 years. Kimberly is the Co-founder of Higher Heights, a
June Wed, 2019
Debbie Walsh
B.A., Political Science from State University of New York-Binghamton; M.A. in Political Science, Rutgers University Debbie Walsh is director of the Center for American Women
June Wed, 2019
Jean Sinzdak
B.A. degree, University of Scranton and M.S.W degree, University of Pennsylvania Jean Sinzdak is responsible for developing strategic initiatives and projects, as well as general
June Wed, 2019
Kira Sanbonmatsu
Kira Sanbonmatsu is Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University and Senior Scholar at the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at the Eagleton