December Mon, 2020
The QAnon Conspiracy: Destroying Families, Dividing Communities, Undermining Democracy
The authors of this report collaborated on a rapid assessment and analysis of QAnon because of our growing concern about the threat it poses to the nation. This threat can be divided into three key categories: creating and amplifying cultural and political divisions, introducing and spreading disinformation and anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, and mobilizing and motivating extreme and lethal violence.
December Tue, 2020
Antisemitic Disinformation: A Study of the Online Dissemination of Anti-Jewish Conspiracy Theories
As anti-Jewish attacks and hate crimes proliferate worldwide, anti-Jewishconspiracy memes promote fears about “replacement” by Jews and otherimmigrants, control by police and a nefarious “deep state” across all kinds of political affiliations, nationalities, and ethnicities.
December Thu, 2020
The Money Hurdle in the Race for Governor
This report is the first in a new CAWP series of reports on the role of money in politics. Analyzing 2000-2018 data from the National Institute on Money in Politics (NIMP), it examines primary and general election receipts and giving patterns by donor gender, identifying opportunities and challenges for women candidates and women donors. Its focus on gender and giving to gubernatorial candidates is unique.
December Tue, 2020
A CAWP Women, Money, and Politics Report: The Money Hurdle in the Race for Governor
This report examines individual contributions to gubernatorial candidates in order to better understand women’s candidacies as well as women’s donation patterns. Most popular attention to gender and political behavior is devoted to the gender gap in voting.