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Gambaccini Civic Engagement Series: Young Elected Officials Bridging the Partisan Divide
As part of our annual Gambaccini Civic Engagement Series, The Eagleton Institute of Politics is pleased to welcome the Millennial Action Project’s CEO Layla Zaidane and MAP network legislators, Senator London Lamar (D)-TN and Representative Adam Pilkington (R)-AK, for a discussion on bi-partisan legislation and other ways young leaders are bridging the partisan divide. Dr. Elizabeth C. Matto, Director of the Center for Youth Political Participation, will moderate the discussion on Monday, November 28th, 2022, at 1:00 PM via Zoom.
About the Speakers
Layla Zaidane is the President & CEO of the Millennial Action Project, the largest nonpartisan organization of young lawmakers in the United States. MAP works with over 1,600 Millennial and Gen Z elected leaders in Congress and state legislatures to bridge divides.
Senator London Lamar (D)-TN has dedicated her life and career to uplifting the lived experiences of families and communities. She currently represents the 33rd senate district as the youngest female and African America legislator in the Tennessee State Senate.
Representative Aaron Pilkington (R)-AK is Regional Vice President of Operations for ARcare and is currently serving his second term in the Arkansas House of Representatives. He represents District 69, which includes portions of Johnson and Pope counties.
About the Moderator

About the Gambaccini Civic Engagement Series