| November Tue, 2019
Rutgers Awarded ”Greatest Growth in Student Voter Turnout” in Big Ten Voting Challenge
Rutgers had the greatest gains in student voter turnout over the past four years in the Big Ten Voting Challenge – a nonpartisan initiative to spur civic engagement and encourage more students to head to the polls.
| September Thu, 2019
Rutgers Student Voting Rates Increased Three-Fold in 2018
Rutgers—New Brunswick student voter registration and voter turnout rates nearly quadrupled in the 2018 midterm elections, announced the Eagleton Institute of Politics’ Center for Youth Political Participation at Rutgers—New Brunswick. The data is from a new report from the Institute for Democracy & Higher Education (IDHE) at Tufts University’s Tisch College of Civic Life.
| August Tue, 2019
Joint Rutgers-Eagleton/FDU Poll: New Jerseyans Are Moving Beyond Most, But Not All, Stereotypical Gender Views
New Jerseyans perceive women as being more emotional and men as more aggressive, but other views on gender have evolved, according to the latest poll results from the Rutgers-Eagleton/Fairleigh Dickinson University Polling partnership.
| August Tue, 2019
Rutgers’ Eagleton Institute of Politics Announces First Class of Science Fellows
New Jersey’s state government has received an infusion of scientific expertise thanks to the appointment of Rutgers University Eagleton Science Fellows to assist with issues from maternal health outcomes to climate change resiliency.