| February Thu, 2016
New Jerseyans Have Christie Back, But Don’t See Him As Strong Leader, Effective, Or Trustworthy
Gov. Chris Christie may be back for good in the Garden State, but New Jersey voters have few nice things to say upon his return, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll.
| February Tue, 2016
Welcome Home, Governor? Christie’s Favorability Hits Lowest Yet
There is no warm welcome waiting for N.J. Gov. Chris Christie as he prepares to give his budget speech today, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll.
| February Mon, 2016
CAWP Sends Women Legislators Storybook to Share with Kids: Grace for President Shows that Girls Can Lead
To celebrate Presidents Day and Women’s History Month, the Center for American Women and Politics wants kids to hear a great story that teaches an important lesson about leadership.