| May Tue, 2016
‘taylor Ham’ Or ‘pork Roll’? New Jerseyans Divided On Beloved Meat
As New Jerseyans, we may have a lot in common with one another, but there are some issues of utmost importance on which we do not see eye to eye.
| April Thu, 2016
Christie’s NJ Ratings Hit New All-time Lows Post-trump Support, But Voters Cite Gov.’s Attitude, Governing, And Dishonesty As Main Reasons
As Gov. Chris Christie’s top pick for president continues to climb in the polls, the governor’s own ratings have dropped to their lowest yet, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll.
| April Mon, 2016
NJ Voters More Angry, Afraid Of Trump Than Any Other 2016 Candidate; Trump’s Policy Positions And Persona Fuel Views Of Gop Frontrunner
Donald Trump may be the GOP frontrunner in New Jersey, but the real estate mogul provokes some strong negative reactions from many registered voters in the Garden State, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll.
| April Mon, 2016
Over Half Of NJ Republicans Choose Trump; Clinton Still Leads But Losing Ground Against Sanders
As Donald Trump looks poised for victory in New York, he continues to lead with Republican voters on this side of the Hudson as well, according to the latest Rutgers-Eagleton Poll.