| November Thu, 2016
Number of Women Seeking State Legislative Seats in 2016 Edges to New High
In 2016, 2,602 (1702D, 891R, 5 NP, 4 I) women are state legislative nominees in the 44 states holding such elections in 2016, surpassing the previous record by 65, according to CAWP.
| October Wed, 2016
Top National Pollsters to Speak at Eagleton Event on Polling and 2016 Presidential Election
Join the Eagleton Institute of Politics on Thursday, October 27 at 7 P.M., for a panel of top national pollsters and survey researchers discussing politics and the challenges of polling in 2016.
| October Wed, 2016
Outlook for Women in Senate and House: Not Much Change in Numbers, a Few Likely Landmarks, and Continuing Underrepresentation of GOP Women
New “Closer Look” analyses of the prospects for women in races for the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives point to a year of moderate to minimal change, with a few historic landmarks likely.
| October Sun, 2016
NJ Spotlight on Cities 2016 Conference Special: New Jerseyans Have Mixed Views on NJ Cities; Almost Half Believe School Funding Laws Have Had Little Impact in Local or Urban Districts
Views on New Jersey’s cities are mixed: 44 percent of New Jersey residents rate cities as an excellent or good place to live, while 48 percent say they are only a fair or poor place to live.