| September Tue, 2019
Fellows Explore Legislative Policymaking and Redistricting
"The Legislative Policymaking seminar at Eagleton focuses on the dynamics of how policies are enacted in the states by governors and legislatures, combining readings, case studies, guest speakers, and assignments grounded in experience with practitioners..."
| September Wed, 2019
9/11 Remembrance – A Message from Eagleton Director John J. Farmer, Jr.
As I remember the chaos of that day eighteen years ago today... I just want you to know how privileged I feel to be here at Eagleton, where the American ideal of government of by and for the people will always be our pole star.
| September Tue, 2019
Welcome Back! Eagleton Kicks-Off New Academic Year
Eagleton’s new director, Professor John J. Farmer, Jr., welcomed the incoming class of Graduate Fellows as well as the returning senior class of Undergraduate Associates and the Institute’s distinguished Visiting Associates.
| September Mon, 2019
CAWP Prepares NJ Women to Run for Office with Public Speaking Workshop
Eagleton's Center for American Women and Politics held its first Ready to Run® campaign training workshop of the academic year last week.