| December Wed, 2023
Opinion: Nikki Haley’s Debate Performance Might Resonate With Women, But Camaraderie Won’t Win the Republican Primary
On the Republican presidential primary debate stage Wednesday night, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley created moments of camaraderie with women viewers, whether intentionally or not, as she stood in light blue among a sea of dark suits. In addition, while little of what she said was new, much of what she chose to emphasize aligns with messaging meant to appeal to a class of more moderate women voters who are unlikely to support Republican frontrunner Donald Trump.
| November Mon, 2023
Op-Ed: How We Measure Women's Representation Matters
The refrain “representation matters” is shorthand for advocacy rooted in the argument that those in positions of leadership, visibility, and power should reflect the full range of diversity of their audiences and/or constituencies. In politics, representativeness—especially by gender—is often assessed in aggregate and single-axis ways; women are over 50% of the population, so a representative government would mean women achieving parity with men among elected officials. But determining how well women are represented in elected office means employing more complex and intersectional measures.
| October Tue, 2023
Opinion: What Dobbs May Mean For Motivating Women Voters In Election 2024
The anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade has yielded many reflections on what this change to reproductive rights has meant for women across the United States. But one year after this monumental decision, we should also be looking forward to consider not only the significant impact of Dobbs on women’s lives but also how it might motivate their political engagement in the 2024 elections.
| October Tue, 2023
Independence Day requires us to have Juneteenth, our Black Emancipation Day | Opinion
Some months ago, a book was sent to me at the Eagleton Institute by one of our alumnae, who graduated 50 years ago from Rutgers. In a rather sheepish cover letter, he confided that he had checked the book out from Eagleton’s and had come across it while cleaning out his bookshelves. After writing a short note back that all would be forgiven for his extremely overdue return in exchange for a donation of $50,000 (I hope he can take a joke), I picked up the book and began to read.