| May Wed, 2019
N.J. Legislature politicians are mostly white, male and over 50. Is anybody surprised? Check the data.
“A lack of female legislators is not just a New Jersey problem. The Garden State’s 31 percent currently ranks 19th out of the 50 states in the percentage of female state lawmakers, according to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.”
| May Sat, 2019
Moms on the run: What is motherhood like on the campaign trail?
“In 2018, 529 new and incumbent women ran for Congress, and 117 of them won, according to the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.”
| May Sat, 2019
Meet Stephanie Hilferty: The 4th Louisiana legislator in 200 years to give birth while in office
“That means Louisiana lags behind most other states, with women holding only 16 percent of the legislative seats, ranking 44th among the states, according to an analysis by Rutgers University’s Center for American Women and Politics in New Jersey.”
| May Fri, 2019
The Year of the Woman: A History of Women in Congress
"Debbie Walsh tells Joanne about the long history that led up to November’s breakthrough election, the trailblazing congresswoman of the past and the barriers that still need to be broken."