| May Fri, 2019
In deep-red Alabama, would more women in the legislature have made a difference in the abortion debate?
"Kelly Dittmar, a political-science professor at Rutgers University and a scholar at the Center for American Women and Politics at the Eagleton Institute of Politics, said it is important 'to remember in all of our political analysis and elsewhere that woman are not monolithic, whether in their beliefs or their behavior, and that’s especially true for women officeholders.'”
| May Thu, 2019
Marijuana Law Dies: What Now For Expungement, Investors and Medical Use?
“Legalization has consistently been popular with New Jersey voters and the latest Rutgers-Eagleton poll shows more residents favor completely legalizing than oppose it by a margin of 58 percent to 37 percent.”
| May Wed, 2019
States passing abortion bans have among the lowest rates of women in power
“Jean Sinzdak, associate director of the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University, told ABC News when it comes to a whole range of policy issues, ‘research has shown that women legislators bring different perspectives.’”
| May Wed, 2019
Drawn to Public Service, He Found a World of Experience at Rutgers
Nicholas Pellitta is a 2019 alum of the Eagleton Undergraduate Associates Program. "Earlier this year Pellitta was named a Schwarzman Scholar and will spend a year at a Chinese university earning a master’s degree in global affairs."