| June Tue, 2019
Female Dems see double standard in Klobuchar accusations
“A bigger problem for Klobuchar may be that the stories about her mistreating staff conflict with her ‘Minnesota nice’ public persona...But that ‘Minnesota nice’ perception arguably has some gendered aspects to it, said Kelly Dittmar, a scholar at the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.”
| June Tue, 2019
Annual Forum at New Jersey Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Foundation
"Additional presentations include: Elizabeth Matto, Center for Youth Political Participation, Eagleton Institute for Politics at Rutgers University…"
| June Tue, 2019
NBC correspondent speaks at Rutgers, traces today’s political divisions to past
“Yesterday evening, MSNBC and NBC national political correspondent Steve Kornacki spoke at the Douglass Student Center to discuss his book, “The Red and the Blue: The 1990s and the Birth of Political Tribalism.”
| June Tue, 2019
EDITORIAL: Bold tax reform proposal changes debate
“An Eagleton Institute of Politics poll in 2017 found that nearly two-thirds of state residents favored a tax on those with an income exceeding $1 million.”